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Philips Merchant Band-Unfinished Business
Philips Merchant Band-Unfinished Business
Philips Merchant Band-Unfinished Business

Phillips Merchant Band brings thematic exploration with their album, “Unfinished Business”

Phillips Merchant Band tries to blend ethereal soundscapes with the kind of imagery that can only exist in dreams. This is one band in the brink of evolution, and it will always be reflective of a central theme in mind. All this is from their debut release, Unfinished Business.

Phillips Merchant Band take you to outer space

Opening with And So It Begins, soft acoustic guitars blend with a mystifying background. It is inspired by the Middle East, the sounds and chanting are a reminder of a “Kashmir” like scale by Zeppelin. You’ll hear textural depths unlike any other music group with Phillips Merchant Band. It also allows you to hear the depths of the music, the way they converse through arrangements. Basslines especially stand out, creating a ruffling drama in the background, while lighter tunes stand out in the front. 

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The bluesy dust coming off of Mr. Brown shows their diverse range, while bringing unique lyrics to the fore. You seem to be transported to a desert land, far away. It creates a variety of myriad possibilities. Practically, the transportation is the sublime part of the composition that you are addicted to. 

Spring Came shifts away from the dusty roads to some smooth blues exploration. The lyrics are something you try to walk into, especially after the drier landscape. Phillips Merchant Band bring quality vocals, with special attention to tone for each song. The darker, mystifying tones of All is Vapor tends to create a beautiful ebb and flow between songs in the album. The door knock like sound is a wake up, inspiring and alluding to the drama of the strings. 

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Their track Unfinished Business is the epic that tells more than a story. It is one through symphony, style and finesse. For a debut, this is one of the strongest I’ve experienced, while telling a tale through a parallel sound spectrum. The single mixes draw parallels that will make you sit in wonder and awe. You can follow the band here and listen to the album below:

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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