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Blind Man's Daughter-Sundressed
Blind Man's Daughter-Sundressed
Blind Man's Daughter-Sundressed

Blind Man’s Daughter take prog-metal to a new realm with their debut album, “Sundressed”

Blind Man’s Daughter is an eclectic mix of prog-metal with the zeitgeist of tomorrow. A futuristic aura is felt in their songs, though live instruments govern the themes. With 3 singles released till now, the project comes forward for their debut album release. This is Sundressed, a spectacular love letter to this fantastic genre. 

Within the essential few seconds of the opening single, you can experience an impressive palette of time signatures and refreshing riffs. There is a draw in and draw out of furious experimentation and the warm background of the vocals. Actively, you might feel like the instrumental work takes centre stage, for there is a frequency change happening every second. The next single is Sundressed. This one has more of a dramatic balance, in the opening. Max Rutherford and Ashley Wolfe do an incredible job of making this niche in the genre they love so much. The riff is a unique run, with the style governing the entirety of the tempo and unhinged rage. In some moments, it feels like Tosin Abasi’s thump technique, or the luxurious transcendence of Plini. 

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Studying the art of prog-metal

Saeancer takes the directional route of an acoustic track. Vocals are standout in this performance, letting a larger canvas form for the instrumental extravaganza to follow. Blind Man’s Daughter is finding a course within the prog-metal genre that is as melodic as it is a dip into metalcore, screaming and the explosion of colour through sound. Kyhell has a resonance that feeds into thrilling runs. You never can predict which way a song is going, it changes direction like an active atom in a lead box. Bloodmoon can even be called a ballad, like recess within this album. It is emotional, spacious and focuses on ambient waves compared to more energetic numbers like Saeancer. The solos are a bluesy approach, which works well with the next single, Days Fall.

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Guitar tones are truly to envy, changing feel and style in no time. It checks the pulse of the song and accordingly takes an organic approach-like a blanket of randomized electrons. Dust and Light retains the melting echo of Days Fall, while having thematic revieries that take the track further. Dust is a beautiful song to hear all the layered guitar work the band puts in. Blind Man’s Daughter are creating an experimental sub-genre within metal which might be likened to King Crimson’s push within prog-rock. Though the roots remain, this is something only the band can boast about.

Phasing into a new world

Nights Fall is the penultimate song on the album. The build is immensely rewarding, crashing into a superb verse and eventually chorus section. Waves feels like something Chon, Intervals and Plini would have worked on together. Yet, it is something that is the product of something original and creative as Blind Man’s Daughter. Listen to their superb music and follow them for what has to be the birth of a new sub genre!:

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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