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“The Score”, by V of 40M: A power showcase of hip-hop skill!

V of 40M is a hip-hop artist from North Carolina who is known for leading the “Revolutionary Rap” movement– and on his latest single, “The Score”, he brings on the power of 40M Tye and Hippie G, and production by LABACK. Keep reading for my thoughts!

There is a certain zeitgeist, a certain intensity that comes at you unapologetically the moment you start listening– be it the intense synths that greet you as the foundation for this track gets laid down, or the start of the rapping. There is energy and personality that ring bold and confident throughout this track, and it’s established in the intro itself.

As we progress through the verses, the style of rapping follows a heavy triplet style, dancing in threes around the fours with complex, multi-syllable rhymes that still manage to have great bounce and flow throughout, with great use of ad-libs and samples complementing the vocal performances. The synths remain a persistent element throughout the song, forming a distinct, identifiable melodic motif that remains with you long after the song has ended– beckoning you to keep looping it until kingdom come.

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The percussion on “The Score” also deserves a shout here, for the great power and bounce they bring in, propelling this track forward and keeping the energy dynamic in excellent control– making sure the adrenaline doesn’t just spike, it persists– and that is a hallmark of great production. The layers evolve and live organically through the song, with excellent sound design and a great mix that wraps things up quite brilliantly, and a master that brings the vocals front and centre, par excellence for a hip-hop track of this style.

Overall, “The Score”, by V of 40M: a power-packed performance that keeps you grooving and moving from the second zero, till the very end. Check out the track here!

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