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“Ever So Holy”, by Trish Discord: A tantalizing cascade of hard rock and synth experimentation!

Trish Discord, hailing from Queens, New York, is a genre-defying artist blending the soulful nuances of indie acoustic with the raw energy of heavy metal. Influenced by a diverse range of icons including Pale Waves, Paramore, Linkin Park, Falling in Reverse, and Mitski, her music promises a thrill no matter what your tastes might be– and that is the case with her latest single, “Ever So Holy”– keep reading for my thoughts!

To say that this song is a kick in the gut every inch of its way is simply an understatement– from the dark, powerful synths that dot the intro to the heavy bass drop that lines the start of the verse, something about the atmosphere of this song is simply magnetic– and that’s a big compliment, about to get bigger as we transition to the energetic rock section that makes up the hook of the song, the synths making a reentry in poise.

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We switch speeds into overdrive, as the expansive, just downright powerful guitars overcome the mix, letting all its energy be unleashed onto the listener as we progress through the choruses– every second a spectacle, really, as the vocals soar in tandem with the drumming, keeping expert pace with each other. The master brings its own flavour, a zesty presentation of power and technical precision that leaves an impression, a lasting one at that. There is smart use of space, and the dynamics are extremely well-controlled; and presentation of the elements is very, very well taken care of.

All in all, “Every So Holy”– boy, is it an experience to listen to. There’s something about this song that speaks to Trish Discord’s style and how there’s this niche that she’s nailed on the head, and it doesn’t look like it’s about to stop anytime soon. Check out the track here!

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