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Dylan Case-Attention
Dylan Case-Attention
Dylan Case-Attention

Dylan Case brings a chuckle to the front with his latest single, “Attention”

Dylan Case might touch your heart, with how simple and silly he is. His debut single reveals a lot about himself, and this is one single you’ll hear while plastering a smile on your face. Armed with his acoustic and talented songwriting skills, he comes to us with his latest single, Attention.

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As a massive Bo Burnham fan, I immediately drew parallels to the album art and colour tone of his masterful comedy album Inside as well. The way Dylan starts the song is similar-with a question as though he can interact with the audience. The raspy voice just stays around, like a companion, while you focus on the lyrics. You won’t expect the rock drop coming, and when it comes you wonder what was this song without it.

It is enormous, surprising and a stylish statement. Dylan Case just wants to be in your mind, heart and soul. Monologues take over the audio space as well, and like any YouTube video, there are allusions to ads and pop-ups. The parallels are as interesting as Dylan’s own takeaways from the music that he’d like to make. You must check out his process and songs in the embed linked below!

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So it makes no sense to just hear the song, especially the first time. Dive into his process, his reason for doing this, and how good he sounds while giving flowers to his humour hero. The visuals will make you chuckle and enjoy this, so make sure you follow Dylan Case for more like this!:

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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