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Karen Salicath Jamali-Angel Hanaels Song
Karen Salicath Jamali-Angel Hanaels Song
Karen Salicath Jamali-Angel Hanaels Song

Karen Salicath Jamali makes an instrumental reverie to float into with “Angel Hanaels Song”

Karen Salicath Jamali is a gifted instrumentalist. From the moment you press play, there is no doubt about it. Not only has the musician transcended the physical elements of time, but has enough expression to tell stories through her music. This one has become a particular favourite because of the impending narrative. This song is called Angel Hanaels Song.

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 A 9 track album, you’re taken through periodic piano instrumentals that are composed within a fractal of time. You can see why she has performed in Carnegie Hall, won several awards and graced this particular period of time with her musical vantage. From the melancholy opening of the album, you’re taken through the metaphysical and spiritual, all in one thread of emotion. It is like traversing a tangled web, and sometimes staring down the dark road with a light beaming across. Choice notes, balanced with vigor and tenacity, glitter all across this album. 

The vibrant ends of a spectrum

While her mind is independent of the constraints of the ivory, she translates it all through the instrument with ease. It is not common to see a virtuoso being so selective in her storytelling. Karen Salicath Jamali is not whipping lightning fast rhythms just because she can. She is trapping you in the mind and message of Angel Hanael. 

Moving through the emotions, you can see how well she slides from scales and techniques to exemplify the emotion. It is this emotive playing that sets her apart from other instrumentalists. This is personification, a poetry of words with everything to win, nothing to lose. In mixed emotions like Angel Hanaels Dream, she mixes scales and keys to help us visualise the mixed nature of the moment.

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Karen Salicath Jamali turns the cogs of melody

This is a notation of something out of this world, to the closest we can come to understanding it.  Karen Salicath Jamali is a skilled narrator to be able to do this, turning her compositions into flowing gold, a spectacle to behold with dreamy eyes. You can feel your lips quiver when you hear the precise nature of the music, while still breathing with the same pulse she is. If it is a mirror of an appendage, Karen is embodying the moment with the tips of her fingers. A scintillating display of charisma and grace.

Rising through the complexities of the current generation, Karen Salicath Jamali shows us less is more, with no extra pizazz. In a time when people heavily rely on the mechanical ease of producing music, this is stripping away all the layers . This is an element-element relation, and no one does the promise prouder than Karen. In one of the most emotional displays of piano composition, she heralds the age of a renaissance, while being her truest self. Listen to her album here and follow Karen on Twitter and Instagram for more!:

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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