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Resonus-Resonus EP
Resonus-Resonus EP
Resonus-Resonus EP

Resonus-Resonus EP | Mystify

With funky riffs, rich grooves, and sweet & sour solos, Resonus are hitting the bullseye. Their self-titled EP is a thrilling ride for anyone missing the musical complexity and pleats of jazz, rock, and soul all in one. The instrumentals are a reminder that pure art is created in the shadows, and you need to be in search for true music to find it.

The 8-track album is brimming with a library of riffs, with jazz influences & rock length songs that focus occasionally, on the superior singularity of the instruments. The chemistry is undeniable and impeccable-obvious to me that I can’t criticize something I don’t truly understand. Like if Machine Gun Kelly wrote a review on Allan Holdsworth (rare artist name dropping showoff alert).

Into the unknown

Beginning the magic with the 6:34 track Scoz, Resonus set the bar extremely high to encapsulate what they’re about. And they’re about too much. With a rock style guitar riff, they quickly dive into jazz, delivering a black page notation of euphoric music. Frank Zappa would be proud. From guitar to synth solos and intriguing drum fills, Scoz has everything.

If Pac-Man needed a great musical soundtrack, Doricá would surely be it. With complexity and precision, the group deliver a great Childish Japes style song with solos, flourishes, highlights, and a gripping drum section that puts me to shame for being able to play air-drum Back in Black. It changes through tides, emotions and waves-whilst sticking to the core of the song. Performed with pizzaz.

Shifting to the punk tectonic palette, Guacomole has the energy and style of a Cory Wong impromptu group. With an incredible, spicy melody- Resonus once again bank on the pure ingenuity of the musical virtuosos in the group to craft another rhetoric that is overflowing with fun sounds and technical mastery.

Carrying on with a catchy bassline, Transiciones is a performance that can hold space itself. With impressive time stops and use of track volume, different synth sounds engulf the arena to showcase its intense solos and the power of a character. Some alien level talent on those solos Resonus, not lost on us as listeners. Sorcery by now.

Gripping your attention with another solid bassline, this Dave Brubeck style track inspires as well as gives you permission to dance. If you know how to dance to jazz that is. 9jam has the guitars take over with some instrumental expeditions, keeping the listener on their toes. I’ve been hunting for a poor track here, but this might be Resonus’ Giant Steps. Beautiful guitar tone, accentuated by the roles played by the backing instruments. Classy.

Ever heard of Joe Dart bass? The young jazz pioneers do you one better with the impassioned groove of Let’s Talk. Let’s talk about giving big names like Vulfpeck a run for their money and status. By the time the guitars enter, you’re too invested in the track, waiting for more to happen-and that’s what does. With synth level-outs and sonic frames- interesting hooks create this pretty party track.

Long and hard I searched for the opus that will lead to the ultimate recognition of this level of talent. The track Buscando is what sounds like effort years in the making, rich, involuted spirals of sound keeping you in search for more. This is where the genres, tempos, and styles meld, clearly making it a track chiseled to perfection from a very strong piece of wood. A trophy track in the closet.

Instantly after listening to the opening of Pink Henry, I understood why Resonus released their final track as a single earlier this year. It has sonic effects like you couldn’t imagine- showing us simple solos and synthscapes that indulge you completely. With 70’s guitar sounds making guest appearances, along with Eric Johnson’s elusive guitar tone, Pink Henry is a perfect way to end a spectacular album. Nod to Pink Floyd in the same track? Spine chilling goosebumps

These were obviously fireworks, with years and the highest quality of fuel powering it. They have made it to my playlist by just the admiration and recognition for this scale of musicality. This will please the jazz lords, and they aren’t easy to please. On a platinum plaque, engrave Resonus, because this precious gem is worth staring at and listening to all day.

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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