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“Freaky People”, by Poppy Roscoe: A bold, thrashy, rock sound

Reassembling in 2023 amidst the barren landscapes of the Sonoran Wastelands, Poppy Roscoe emerges as an Art-Rock ensemble hailing from Los Angeles. Their mission: to craft a multimedia musical-video adventure that captivates their devoted fan base. Under the leadership of founder Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, Poppy Roscoe rekindles the belief that music has the power to infuse meaning into even the most complex of stories. Keep reading for my thoughts on ” Freaky People”, their latest single!

The lyricism is what strikes you first– appearing to highlight a divide between “freaky people” and the rest of society, with the singer contrasting their unconventional lifestyle with the “suited praying people.” The lyrics touch on themes of rebellion, and non-conformity, and are overall, very reminiscent of the lyrical themes used in garage and grunge rock music pioneered by the likes of bands like Nirvana in the 90s– and as a fan of the genre growing up, I could immediately feel a smile start to come on my face as I heard this song for the first time.

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The production on “Freaky People” is what holds the lyricism together, with an unabashed rock-n-roll sound, and adrenaline-infused guitars complemented by the precise, thrashy drumming that keeps things going on swimmingly for the duration of the song. The vocals are another standout here, with their front-and-center, bold sound reminding me of bands like Papa Roach, especially on their record, “Infest”.

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Some standout parts of “Freaky People” include the brief interlude with an acoustic guitar, almost serving as the precursor to the screaming electric guitar solo– and what a tone! I was genuinely impressed at the sound of those lead guitars blaring down my ear-holes. Overall, “Freaky People” by Poppy Roscoe makes for a very solid overall package in terms of the execution, and the themes it tries to drive forward. Check out the track here!

Here’s Poppy Roscoe on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poppyroscoe/

Check out their Bandcamp!


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Promotional Disclaimer: The content in this post has been sponsored by the artist, label, or PR representative to help promote their work.

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