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Arun Shenoy shares his Alternative side on “A Higher State of Bliss”

Arun Shenoy is an Indian-Singaporean songwriter and musician. He started his music production journey with rock and jazz and has recently been experimenting with EDM; getting his hands deep into subgenres like Trance and House. He is best known for his debut full-length studio album “Rumbadoodle” that was nominated for the 55th Annual Grammy Awards. He has been releasing music since 2010 and has built up an extensive discography of singles since 2022. His new Single “A Higher State of Bliss” features artists Ravi Kulur, Matthew Shell, Karl Roque, Jon Sterckx and Balachandra Prabhu.

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“A Higher State of Bliss” is fusion track that takes South Asian forms of vocals like Carnatic and Hindustani along with instrumentation native to the land such as the flute and pakhavaj and combines them with Western forms of percussion and EDM instrumentation. The track starts off with very intense and speedy vocals by the lead singer with a roughness to his voice. The light percussion adds a sense of mystery to the song. The electronic touch with synthetic key tones come in soon enough and build up to a beat drop.

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The more heavy and complex parts of the song are juxtaposed with breezy and airy sonic sensations and the track travels between the two feelings, constantly invoking one or the other.  The flute is one of the fundamental elements that keeps the track alive, bringing along with it a bright and cheery ambience. Although the vocals are only notes it also shines as a prominent element while the beats stay consistently groovy throughout.

If you are looking to add a fusion track with heavy South Asian elements to your personal playlist, make sure to check out  “A Higher State of Bliss” by Arun Shenoy here:

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