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9 o'clock Nasty-Bird of Happiness
9 o'clock Nasty-Bird of Happiness
9 o'clock Nasty-Bird of Happiness

9 o’clock Nasty bring the festivities this time with their single, “Bird of Happiness”

9 o’clock Nasty are back, and that always calls for celebration. I usually don’t write on my birthday, but there is a caveat the size of the iceberg that sunk the titanic for this band. You know whatever you hear, is going to be a present, so naturally I hit play. Colour me surprised, once more. This is their latest single, Bird of Happiness.

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So you were the type of music fan that wanted to put 9 o’clock Nasty in a box? First error. The band breaks out like a Jack in the Box made of confetti, bringing joy and happiness with their single. Reminiscent of Tom Petty’s tones and guitars that will plaster a smile on your face the length of Route 66, you know it is going to be a jolly good ride. Collaborating with Meg Cratty, here they spread a gleeful spell, quite an inverse from their past couple of releases. You can’t help but sway your body in with the joyousness the song brings. Percussions dialled back, emotions riding high-it’s like Santa wearing casual clothing, but you can see the burly white beard. We know it’s you, 9 o’clock Nasty, now just take your cookies and milk you so well deserve. 

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If you have followed them for the past couple of years, they have gone hard rock. They have gone pop. Synthwave, new wave and maybe even punk. The mood is set and determined by Nasty, so all you need to do it sit back. So wait for sunshine to fall on your face, and enjoy this delightful number!:

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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