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"The Storm" by HOLT
"The Storm" by HOLT

Catharsis Awaits on this Genre-Bending Electronica Anthem “The Storm” by HOLT

London-based artist and multi-instrumentalist HOLT is taking the music world by storm. Drawing from a rich musical background that includes piano, flute, guitar, and violin, HOLT’s songwriting journey began with a Tascam 4-track cassette recorder at the age of seven. Influenced by the likes of Bjork, Bat for Lashes, Massive Attack, and Philip Glass, her music offers a unique fusion of diverse styles and influences.

HOLT delivers an intense emotional journey with their new single, “The Storm.” The track opens with a soothing piano that perfectly sets the scene, creating a sense of calm before the storm. But it’s not long before the beats drop and the bassline kicks in, pulling you into the eye of the hurricane.

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HOLT’s vocals mesmerize, conveying raw emotion that draws you deeper into the song. You can feel their vulnerability come through as the trippy distortions take over. The pounding rhythm propels the track forward relentlessly, mirroring the frenetic energy of a mind overwhelmed.

Just when you think you’ve reached the peak, the song shifts gears again through clever evolutions in sound. Layer upon layer is peeled back to reveal new textures and tones. It’s a sonic rollercoaster that keeps you on your toes, never allowing you to predict what’s next.

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The themes of fear, anxiety, and feeling trapped really resonate on a human level. We’ve all experienced that surreal sensation of being overwhelmed by unsettling thoughts and emotions. HOLT gives voice to the internal struggle and desire to break free from the cycle. Their heartfelt delivery leaves you with a sense of shared understanding.

“The Storm” by HOLT is a tour de force that takes you on a deeply cathartic journey through the chaos within. 

We had an opportunity to have a chat with HOLT about her new single “The Storm” and beyond. Keep reading to know more.

1. Hey HOLT! Welcome to Sinusoidal, and also, congrats on your new dope single. What inspired the theme and concept for “The Storm?” There is a sense of grappling with internal struggles and facing adversities in the lyrics. Is this a reflection of your own experience dealing with anxiety or fear?

A: Thanks so much! The Storm describes the experience of negative thoughts and feelings taking over before the day has even had a chance to begin. You long to start the day freshly optimistic but when these feelings hit, you’re strapped into something you have little control over. This internal storm could be anything – fear and anxiety definitely; or it could be a sadness about something you want to shake off, or a feeling of regret or resentment……these mindsets are so powerful and can really overwhelm. I have absolutely had periods when I long to shrug off a feeling or a negative thought process, but am unable to. The dancy uplifting feel of the track feels quite incongruous to the lyrical meaning.

2. The transitions in “The Storm” are quite striking, with serene moments juxtaposed with intense beats and distorted vocals. Can you walk us through your creative process in this song?

A: Yes it’s a nice variation within the track. I originally wrote the track on piano and initially it was much slower with a melancholic, wistful quality to it. The vision for the album was to create some uplifting tracks, some bangers, and some tracks that were an evolution musically for me – so upping the pace, adding a gutsy bass and some solid 90s inspired beats transformed it into a confident stomper of a track. I really, really love the abstract vocal chops sections – they are a real head noodler.

3. What do you hope listeners take away from or connect with after experiencing “The Storm?”

A: Mostly I hope listeners stop what they’re doing, engage with the track and have a dance around, before going about the rest of their day or night with a slightly bouncier spring in their step.

4. Throughout the song, there’s a sense of progression and evolution, mirroring the ups and downs of mental and emotional states. How important is it for you to create music that reflects the human experience in such a powerful way?

A: Music gives us humans a chance to explore our experiences, difficulties, joys and dreams in a way that we wouldn’t be able to do with just words. It is quite magical in that sense.

5. With influences from such eclectic artists like Bjork and Bat for Lashes, how do you describe your own musical style? What kind of vibe or feeling do you aim to usually achieve?

A: I have always had a clear sense of my musical style and the sounds I want to create. That has evolved with time, taking different routes and deviations. With this album, I wanted to go more down the electronic music route, to incorporate 90s references which were such a big part of my musical experience growing up – and mostly to make some bangers (that was actually the working title for the album for quite some time).

6. What inspired you to start making music at such a young age? How has your approach or songwriting process evolved over the years?

A: I started playing around on the piano and realised……you COULD make your own music! All those notes, all those words, all those sounds – like discovering colours in a paint box – the opportunities are just limitless. You could totally lose yourself in it in a very good way. I was given a Tascam 4 track recorder for my 7 th birthday and loved experimenting with harmonies and different piano sections – an inspired gift that kickstarted the songwriting.

In terms of process, I have learned to be patient and gentle with the writing and creative process. Even if no ideas are presenting themselves, I continue sitting at the piano/Ableton just plugging away – under the surface, ideas will be forming. It is often in the last 5 minutes of a writing session that something special will appear, which likely wouldn’t have happened without the hours put in beforehand.

7. What have you been exploring conceptually or sonically on your upcoming album? Can fans expect more dynamic, immersive songs like “The Storm?”

A: The album has been two years in the making, it’s a massive step up for me in every possible sense and I’m very very chuffed with how it’s turned out. The album explores themes of transition and personal evolution – from emotional upheaval to my own profound journey into motherhood. Sonically, there will be plenty more tracks like The Storm – some different ideas in there too – but I hope that it all hangs together to form a really cohesive album.

Enjoy listening to “The Storm” by HOLT here.

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