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“The Cave” by Bear Beat: Experimentation at its finest

Bear Beat is a versatile artist, known for his roles as a producer, DJ, and beat maker. He transcends genre boundaries, creating music that carries a deep, mystical, and purposeful essence, aiming to evoke emotion and convey meaning in all his creations. On his latest track, “The Cave”, he pushes more genre boundaries and comes up with a sound more unique to him than ever before. Keep reading for my thoughts!

With an elaborate TV-announcer style intro, the song immediately has an interesting opening to it; this style of including spoken elements in the track will soon be of much significance– but for now, it manages to sir quite a bit of interest, generating anticipation in the listener as to what is to come next.

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As Bear Beat takes us winding through one melodic and rhythmic idea to the next, the base of style, of harmony and sound design remain uniform and tidy, easing the transition between two different core musical motifs, for example. It demonstrates an attention to detail that I quite appreciated during my time with this track.

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As I alluded to earlier, the spoken phrases form a big part of “The Cave”; with some really thought-provoking themes being discussed, ranging from improvement of self to a commentary on economic crises. Overall, the themes somehow, as if almost by magic, tie together quite beautifully.

Towards the end of the song, Bear Beat also has a rapped verse that maintains a great, smooth flow, coupled with some powerful production going on in the background.

With “The Cave”, things are looking way up for Bear Beat as of this moment. Check out the track here:

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