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Sara Beth Yurow on “Cuz I’m In Luv”: Original, catchy pop that inspires

Sara Beth Yurow is the kind of songwriter that prides themselves on the authenticity of their art. Hailing from Hawaii and with the prowess of 2x Grammy-nominee producer Natalia Bortolotti, her latest single, “Cuz I’m In Luv” is a further exploration into the sound that is Sara. Keep reading for my thoughts!

The overall sound of the song is what i would describe as “attainable”- what i mean, is that true to the message that Sara tries and puts out in her songs, the themes, as well, reserve a simplicity to themselves that one has to hear for themselves to quite find out. Sara’s vocal technique is what hogs the limelight throughout the runtime of the song, and this was welcome, owing to their unique sound and character that brings the song a whole other dimension and layer of meaning.

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The production remains on the simpler side, with the various sonic elements of the song coming in and marking their presence at apt intervals, not so much as to overly crowd the soundstage, yet just as much, to not make the mix sound bland and uninspiring— the Goldilocks, I’ll say.

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This is accompanied by a solid mix that preserves the dynamics of the elements of the song and brings all of them together for a tight, cohesive sound that I quite enjoyed.

Overall, “Cuz I’m In Luv” by Sara Beth Yurow stands out in the best of ways, and deserves your attention this week. Check out the track here!

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