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Doctor Payne - Guilt
Doctor Payne - Guilt

Doctor Payne – Guilt | Emphatic Rock

Doctor Payne is the brainchild project of Brighton-based musician and producer, Marlon Payne. The project consists of rock music that targets the theme of mental peace in a chaotic world. Payne creates dynamic music that is ever-evolving into musical storytelling. Doctor Payne usually records his music on his own, but in pursuit of his love for live music, has reunited with his ex-bandmates to perform these live gigs.

Guilt is Payne’s fourth single since the inception of Doctor Payne. The track includes various avant-garde rock elements that appeal to the angsty teenager in me. The overdriven guitars, coupled with driving drums and easy-flowing basslines create an atmosphere that one would experience in underground live rock shows. I’m reminded of the grungy guitars from bands like Alice In Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, and Soundgarden. However, the vocals, provided by Payne are insanely clean without any hoarseness. I find this really refreshing as it gives the track smoothness in the crispy timbre of the instrumental. Speaking of, Doctor Payne uses a clean piano which also creates this Blues feel that catches you off-guard but you welcome it. It’s like that sprinkle of salt when you’re baking a brownie to activate the flavour.

I really enjoy Guilt. I find that it takes me back to some really good days of rock and Marlon Payne has got much more to show the world. His other tracks, Need It, Helicopter, and Cold share similar elements and I highly recommend checking them out while you’re at it.

Be sure to add Guilt to your playlists now!

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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