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“Mama’s Going To Rehab”, by Reagan Hudson: Endearing country music!

A fresh artist based out of North Carolina, United States, Reagan Hudson loves hitting the studio. when he finds himself otherwise unoccupied by cattle and farming; and with his style deeply influenced by blues rock and honky tonk country music, keep reading for what he pulls off on his latest single, “Mama’s Going To Rehab”!

A delightfully simple and to-the-roots production, “Mama’s Going To Rehab” is country music personified, talking of stories in a conversational tone, yet still retaining melodic and rhythmic character that makes the listener really listen in and pay attention to the lyrics. Over here, it tells stories of substance, and how the subject of the song deals with them, eventually overcoming them, with a warm and welcoming message.

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The production is also aided by the guitars that ring throughout the song, retaining that singature country twang to them that makes the genre such an endearing and heartfelt experience to listen to, and “Mama’s Going To Rehab” is no different. There is much to appreciate about the honesty of the songwriting that manifests itself quite beautifully here, and that is to indeed be cherished.

All in all, “Mama’s Going To Rehab”, by Reagan Hudson: A simple yet charming country number that is sure to bring a smile to anybody that listens to the song. Check out the track here!

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