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Moroccan band Lazzywall releases their single “Kan Hez Yeddi”

Moroccan band Lazywall releases their single “Kan Hez Yeddi”

Lazywall is an amazing trio of three brothers that are taking over the rock music industry by storm. Based in Morocco, the band is known for its unique blend of heavy metal and alt-rock music. Their music is heavily Arabic rooted as they sing in Arabic and are influenced by the sounds of the middle east. The trio has been recognized nationally and even internationally as they played at a number of European music festivals as well. 

Lazywall recorded their debut ep “Primal Tapes” in Chicago with Steve Albini. The band is debuting on Spotify with their single called “Kan Hez Yeddi”. Let’s talk about the song and its ingredients in detail. 

The song starts with an electric guitar having a huge tremolo effect. The guitar intro sounds a bit eerie and spooky but has a good tone on the guitar. Soon a bass line kicks in the drums that have a simple groove but a lot of power. The vocals enter with a beautiful melody and the voice has a lot of emotions. The song lifts in the chorus with heavy drums and guitar and vocal harmonies that are so mesmerizing. An amazing guitar solo comes after the second chorus that steals the show being so perfect and flawless. The bridge has a new instrument that sounds like a “Qanbus” which brings in the Arabic element of the song. 

“Kan Hez Yeddi” is a phenomenal song that has so much more details that you can only figure out if you give it a listen. Lazywall is a band that has just started to show its unique music to the world. 

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