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9 o'clock Nasty-Politic
9 o'clock Nasty-Politic
9 o'clock Nasty-Politic

9 o’clock Nasty-Politic | Loopy

A week too late, but still early for the year. Your favorite trio after Charlie’s Angels are here, and no they aren’t The Three Musketeers. 9 o’ clock Nasty bring in the good tidings for the year with their triple A side, Politic. Like always, expect nothing but return pleasantly surprised. The dial for weird must always have a marking towards the right, and I hope we’re cranking it up early this year.

This might not be an interview album review, but you’ve to realize musicians kind of get sick talking to The Enemy. Our redundant questions are more of a bother than an intrusive glimpse into their lives. The boys open up the gift with King Thing, a rapid fire, funky track. The drumbeat is a solid, up-tempo version of Zeppelin’s When the Levee Breaks, and they nailed the sound detail on that as well. The guitars have their own voice, so you know they have their opinions too. 9 o’clock have such a signature sound, you could tell them apart from any group that’s making music now. Like an ultimate frisbee group slowly taking over a park.

The second track is a rather ominous, Get Into Them. At least, the first part of it. An interesting dance programmed drum beat comes to play with the group here, and its all fun and games. The bottom line is, get into them, fuck them up. A pretty broad one too, for it runs for the duration of the song. A great trip for a night prepared to burn down to the wick. I would like to call the track their approach to some hip-hop as well, but I wouldn’t. I know they’ll be giving that a fair shot soon, and I want my references library to be wide open to have a great time.

It shouldn’t be, but it is. Get Into Them has a part 2, if you’re looking at sequels like Quentin Tarantino. Same characters, but what-the-shit scenario. Going for a softer The Clash/Strokes vibe, I didn’t even realize its the same song name. Which is where I am wrong. A melodic, alt-rock approach to the same aura, just a different direction. A PG rated version for all the kiddies to sing along to as well. I like it.

So there you have it. A catalogue of random expeditions, that they’ve been after. 9 o’clock repeatedly set these benchmarks for themselves, but there’s no grading scale. However, you know you need them-or you start observing patterns in life and become a basic bitch. Like Gandhi said long ago, “All I want are my two clean khadis, and the year beginning with 9 o’clock Nasty”. Begin your year like the freedom fighter as well with 9 o’clock Nasty here:

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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