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The Fisherman And His Soul-A White Actor
The Fisherman And His Soul-A White Actor
The Fisherman And His Soul-A White Actor

The Fisherman And His Soul-A White Actor (The Walles Have Ears) | That time, this place

The Fisherman And His Soul has access to a time machine, I’m sure of it. Transformative music pieces that jump through different phases and periods of time condense in this artists catalogue. Since 2018, they’ve been making touching, simple music that aims to explore and expand. Ennio Ennui has A White Actor (The Walles Have Ears ) and Arnd Walks Home After The Show.

With something that sounds like a Hollywood retro number, A White Actor explores the combed dynamism of live instruments, The Fisherman And His Soul make it a point to make the song energetic. There is a shuffle that is constant through the song, while the simple chord changes make it a nice narrative. The chanting style make it something of a constant, while the instruments dance around it.

Having an opening that sounds like a needle dropping on vinyl, Arnd Walks Home After The Show has a different approach to what we just heard. With a salsa fusion sound, the clean guitar sound bring home the quartets of the 70s. It has a mellow, nice aura that dedicates itself to spreading thin throughout the track. The organs and strings do an interesting dance to create a superfluous play of lights and sound. Great tracks that show interesting contrast for this group.

The tracks both reflect to years far from these times, yet relevant enough to the quality of music that you would want to hear. It’s two tracks, from jacket to song designed to be a capsule of time rebirthed now. It’s hugely underrated as a project by an artist, and an interesting approach for such themes.

Listen to the double A side here:

Check out our playlists here!

Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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