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Sisyphes-Des Stops Et Des Detours
Sisyphes-Des Stops Et Des Detours
Sisyphes-Des Stops Et Des Detours

Sisyphes-Des Stops Et Des Detours | Spatial

One of the great sorrows I have in life is not knowing a foreign language. It has always been something I’ve wanted to do, and its songs like this that single out the language I want to learn. Sisyphes releases his second single this year, Des Stops Et Des Detours, which is an instrumental magic carpet ride that learns and teaches to do something from nothing (or slightly less).

The minimal background has an oriental feature to it by the chord pattern, and from an artist this versatile-its all about music. The critical mind is trying to categorize his music, but Sisyphes is making music for music’s sake. It has a mellow vibrating energy that transforms your emotional space to warp around these very moments.

1) Where did your idea of merging acoustic and electronica come from? Is it an inspiration from a particular artist?

To be honest this project has been made with ties. It was made during the winter of 2020/2021 and we were not able to practice full band at this time cause of the pandemic. The album was ready but we’ve been postponing its release for ever so I decided to make some acoustic tracks to occupy myself.

I wanted it to be really minimal and musically naked with almost no arrangements. But I’m still a bit shy and after listening back to the tracks I felt the need to add some lo-fi electronic instruments. Layering is my thing, I’m always struggling in the writing process but arrangement goes always really smoothly and it’s a real pleasure. I’m often thinking that I should stop writing and just arrange songs for other artists, it would make my life a lot easier!

I continued to ask Sisyphes about the oriental theme, but its the starkness of the track he layered with electronica to get a more myriad texture to it. The oriental theme could be chance or just the feeling he was trying to translate, which he successfully did, with some added pizzazz as well.

2)There seems to be an oriental theme that flows into your song. Take me through the process of making this song.

I often think my music in terms of colors, or sometime almost like a painting. Au carrefour is definitely a grade of orange and these oranges transport me to the desert, maybe because of the profound stillness I express in this song. So naturally harmonies came with some desert, oriental modes and feelings.

The thought process might have been intense, because the world changed its rotational axis since his first song last year, Hispanie. He has been hard at work in a confined space but a universal mind to explore the music and the coinciding textures.

3)What has changed since Hispanie? How have you changed your music process during this pandemic?

This year has been a really hard time for me and most of the music industry, these tracks were more part of therapy, the process imposed by the fact that I had to make it alone at home, in my living room. But since we started practicing full band again and enjoyed it so much, I think this EP is more of a break than a big change.

We will release my electric album early next year and I guess things will be back to the normal again. Hopefully it’s going to be the same for my music ! We released two singles Au Carrefour and Des Stops et Des Détours which are part of my coming EP Cargo Cult out 21st of October. It’s a 5 tracks EP in the same mood as the first 2 singles.

Asking about his future plans, I was hoping for a denser landscape of sound and a wider palette of experimentation. Sisyphes had an even better answer, trying to use this strength with a group, maybe even accentuating what he is trying to push through with such intricacy and softness. The song is a reminder that all this liminal space is worth playing in between, but make what you play with count.

4) Do you plan to expand your genres or are you finding your groove within this?

I think I will keep making music full band for the live again but maybe I’ll keep this intimacy, fragility I found when making these tracks for my next album, a mix between electric soundscape and delicate songwriting would be great.

Listen to Sisyphes’ new track Des Stops Et Des Detours here:

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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Self professed metalhead, moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to me. The fact that my bio could have ended on a rhyme and doesn't should tell you a lot about my personality.

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