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‘Timed Out’ by CAVN: an EDM Track That Uses its Space

‘Timed Out’  by CAVN is a melancholic EDM track that uses its space and silences to create an engulfing experience. The synths in the song are expansive and its use of reverbed, layered vocals adds a unique dimension to the track. Katie Canning sings the song, alternating from wispy rasp to a feathery falsetto. This ultimately compounding the soundscape’s even more. 

The instrumentation feels a bit distant at first, with its orchestra and choir moved back and distorted to make way for Canning’s slow, emotional vocal. At its climax it turns, becoming piano and midi-symphony led. This helps to highlight the tone and timbre in the vocal, allowing the lyrics to be spoken and heard.

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‘Timed Out’: Silence & Tension

‘Timed Out’ (much like its name) uses its silences to add tension and to highlight lyrics that speak to the song’s themes. This is particularly evident a few beats before the song’s main refrain kicks in, when the sound stops before the refrain explodes back in with an invigorated instrumental. 

The distorted synths and the distorted layered choir vocals simultaneous help add space to the soundscape while giving it some tension. By its refrain, the song drops to an earthy, bass-y tone with the distorted choir lending a deep, vibrant lightness. 

The highlight in ‘Timed Out’ is its bridge. The synths pause, making way for a tremulous piano. When broken down this way, the song slows even further drawing attention to the words here while highlighting the theme. This also seems to help ground the song in its emotion.

“…Tell me how I’m supposed to cope with my heart, ’cause it’s feeling way too much…” These lines with the song’s tone-shift help ground its soundscape from some place ethereal to a place of poignant, reflective honesty. The instruments feel more grounded after this, as they sustain the grounded nature established by the bridge.

‘Timed Out’ by CAVN becomes a gut-wrenching, melancholic EDM ballad. The song’s words capture the swooping swirl of emotions one feels when experiencing deeply distressing emotions. This while the instrumentations and production make the song feel ethereal and light before setting the listener down gently, allowing the emotions to better move them. 

The  Artist(s)

CAVN is a London-based music producer, singer-songwriter and producer. Her music blends a spectrum of sounds including cinematic & orchestral music and electronic beats. Listeners are invited to embark on an emotional and nostalgic journey together with her. 

Katie Canning is a vocalist based in Birmingham in the UK who is best known for her single ‘Nonchalant’.

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