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Anoush gets sonically mysterious on Jazz track “Brave Girl”

Anoush is an independent artist, musician, composer, lyricist, recording artist and music producer with a foundation in classical piano She has been releasing music since 2023 and already has an album and 5 singles under her belt. She borrows from various genres like jazz, classical music and pop to create her own sound and her 5th single “Brave Girl” is proof of this.

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The track starts off with horns that sound straight out of a Western film infused with country music. The feeling is that of a grand, mysterious entrance at the beginning of a Spanish bullfight. The synths have a twinge effect and the percussion uses bass quite heavily. Though the sonic palette is quite dark throughout the track, it is oddly soothing.

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Anoush gives a strong vocal performance, displaying great vocal control. Her voice is strong and deep, but she manages to add airy and husky elements to it. The artist knows when to play with power, adding it to her voice only when necessary. The instrumentation is stripped down during the bridge where we can hear her Adele-adjacent voice very clearly and overall, the track is mixed such that Anoush and her voice shine.

Lyrically the track is just as mysterious as the ambience it sets sonically. It is about a “Brave Girl” who is unshaken and unafraid to speak daringly. The second verse shifts to writing in first person that speaks about a transformation and awakening. The cover art alludes to the biblical reference of Adam, Eve and an apple and one can only assume that the brave girl here is Eve herself. I loved the line “If you dance with the devil, don’t forget to lead”.

“Brave Girl” is mischievous track, perfect for a night of relaxation. Anoush is a vocally strong artist I personally look forward to hearing more from!

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