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The Sacrificing Hands-Hedgerow Throne
The Sacrificing Hands-Hedgerow Throne
The Sacrificing Hands-Hedgerow Throne

The Sacrificing Hands-Hedgerow Throne | Through the woods

The Sacrificing Hands are a fresh act that have released their debut EP. It’s called Hedgerow Throne– a series of fresh compositions that also acts as their introduction. There is a pulsating difference in their approach, shifting away from factory pressed sounds. Let’s dive into what makes this group special.

Killing a Hare is the opening track. It is an acoustic instrumental, with layered monologues. The strings, synths and guitars come together for an exciting depiction of a rich, descriptive experience. The rhythm allows a simple flow to be the highlight, the guitar fading in and out like a narrator. A strong start for what might be a very special album.

Aphelion rests on the shoulders of the composition for the tempo. The rich notes of the guitar stand out like embossed letters, giving the track all the depth it needs. The interplay between the piano and guitar are especially elating, creating a multidimensional work of art. There is respite for moments before a new instrument enters, shifting the spotlight ever so slightly towards the unique sound.

Images, not words

The Sacrificing Hands continue to paint this eclectic image with The King is not England. The piano is the hero for the intro, a thematic synth supporting the sound and thus the image. The emotion is very palpable by the creative interchanges between styles and undertones that the track leans on as well. It is an uplifting, warm track. This Country Life has a melancholic core to it that elements revolve around. There is a signature tempo play that comes with the rhythmic entrance of the acoustic guitar. The track understands a personality through these little pockets of sound to create the whole being.

The title track is the next one. It has some territorial aesthetic to it for the opening. The synths and guitars once more tell the story, while booming percussions enter. It is exciting in terms of creating a rewarding visual for this piece of art. Harmonics enter, creating and capitalizing on this other protagonist in the track. Crossing the Bridge is the closer as well as the conclusion to this amazing storybook. It has been a journey through sonic bridges, crossing from one region or emotion to another. The Sacrificing Hands guarantee their sound to be cohesive enough to understand layering and the different series of preparing a track as an experience.

Listen to their beautiful album here:

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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