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Johnny & The Brewsers-Tell Us
Johnny & The Brewsers-Tell Us
Johnny & The Brewsers-Tell Us

Johnny & The Brewsers-Tell Us | The blues sludge

Music has the power to revive, restore and breathe in new life. Whether a stale moment or isolation, it can aid change in a human being. Johnny Brewer of Johnny & The Brewsers has experienced this firsthand. Flipping the script with his talent, he has released a full album in 2021 and now releases a double single. This is Tell Us/Dark Red Dice.

I also had the opportunity of asking Johnny some questions about his musical experience. Listening to these dark yet catchy riffs and hooks-all coming from a united mind was fascinating. Tell Us is that condensed opportunity where all instruments confluence ever so often to make energetic sound that is rare to hear.

1) What do these singles have to offer after your 2021 EP, Lounge Lizard Licks?
Since the release of Lounge Lizard Licks, I’ve been working hard on all aspects of making music. Songwriting, instrumentation and engineering. I returned to college last September as an extra mature student, to study Music and Sound Production. My brother, Adam @sonicbrewmedia, has also been a great help in my progression. With all that I am learning and developing on a daily basis, I am able to capture the ideas and inspirations a lot easier than previously. These new songs have a darker, harder edge to him, reflecting the subject matter and also the sound that I like to hear and produce..

Like a punk rock song, it picks up pace while a blistering solo rips through the slower 4/4 that was the spine of the song. With all the layers coming together to create a sludge sound with a subtle blues effect. Johnny & The Brewsers know how to layer the tones in a way that each stands out with fragments of time.

2) Have you tried a change in sound somewhere that you’re excited listeners will notice?
Not intentionally, no. It was more a case of where the music and sounds in my head brought me. LLL was a very different writing and recording experience. It was my first time to go it alone, on all fronts and I was laying myself bare. I was  totally inexperienced in everything that was not drum related, but also very driven to do it and take all the feedback onboard, good, bad and indifferent. I am excited to see how listeners react to the new songs.

Dark Red Dice is the second single, and that syncopation took me by surprise. The lagging beat gives rise to more attention being paid to the creative process. The strings and vocals compete for the top layer, each a sibling snatching attention from the other.

3) As a multi-instrumentalist, is there a way you compose that you feel is different?
I don’t think so. I could be sitting behind the kit, playing a groove and that would give me a melody idea. Or just noodling on the guitar or bass and I’ll lock onto something. Usually it’s the music that comes first and then with that rolling around in my head, I’ll develop lyric ideas. I recently started playing piano and that has opened a whole new world of ideas and inspiration for me. 

As a mode of expression, often artists experience newfound inspiration with experiments. Especially when the modes of playing are different, they’re interesting to observe. From Lizard Lounge Licks, Johnny is on a hunt for a special sound, and he’s never been closer to it. I might suspect this might even be it, with his little flourishes being the zap moment we search for in songs.

4) What are your plans for touring and collaborations?
More than anything I want to get together with other players and gig. It’s been too long away from it. With the restrictions finally lifted, I am actively looking to get, ideally, a three piece set up and get out there. Separate from this, my brother and I are working on putting The Mute Assassins back together and gigging it as an acoustic duo.

We’ve had a few good sessions already and we have always felt that we had unfinished business to attend to there. I’m also working with a very good friend of mine, who’s based in the UK . He’s in the middle of writing some killer music and I’m really excited to be a part of it.

Multiple collaborations for fans of Johnny? Why not? The dynamic between an acoustic outfit and this energetic band might create new avenues to create. Which is the purpose, along with the passion for the same.

5) As a blues fan, I have had a feeling John Mayer is the last blues guitar hero. Do you share this opinion or are there some hidden gems I’ve totally skimmed past?
No, I don’t share that opinion. There are countless kids out there right now, inexplicably drawn to blues guitar, in awe of it. Many scenarios, like Stevie Ray Vaughan , sneaking into his brother, Jimmy’s bedroom and playing around on the forbidden instrument. I believe that story will continue. The blues will always strike a chord, pardon the pun. I have no doubt there are currently phenomenal players out there who just haven’t been discovered yet.  

This reminds me of a moment in Mayer’s Live in LA album, where he is in awe that in 2008 there are thousands on the field. All chanting, hooting and cheering in the name of blues and good music. This I agree with, another shall wield the proverbial axe.

6) What is next for Johnny & The Brewsers? Another EP or just swinging it with singles?

I have really enjoyed writing, recording and releasing these two new songs and I think I will do the same again for my next release. Getting back out on the road is top priority and the various collaborations that are in the pipeline are really exciting. I’m also looking to work with other bands and musicians, from a recording, engineering , producing and distributing point of view.

So live shows for fans and more great music for us. Looks like something these guys would brew up. Pardon my pun Johnny, I got carried away. For now, I have tracks for the weekend and so do you.

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