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Xoe-B Releases a Great Song Called ‘Moonlight’
Xoe-B Releases a Great Song Called ‘Moonlight’

Xoe-B Releases a Great Song Called ‘Moonlight’

Xoe-B is a 90s and acoustic singer-songwriter whose songs are a great musical punch for all the pop geeks out there. 

Xoe-B released a groovy yet soft iconic pop number called ‘Moonlight’. With a soft acoustic vibe yet a dancefloor-worthy pace, this song can complement so many moods. The uniqueness of the soundscapes is something that every listener would notice. You would be astounded by how the sounds are so unique and every moment feels unpredictable. The tunes are super refreshing and the overall pace and the feel of the song is something that people will get hooked by. The great thing is the authenticity that Xoe-B brings to the table with this song. Making an acoustic dance number is not an easy job yet once you listen to this song ‘Moonlight’, you will love how beautifully the acoustic and the groovy and upbeat have been fused together to create a luscious combination of something that you could enjoy as a dance number and also as something to unwind to.

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The vocals of Xoe-B are soulful and in places, hit you in just the right place. You would fall in love with her melodious soulful voice that easily manages to stir so many emotions in you. Moreover, the lyrics are something to look out for. They are deep at places and perfectly complement the vibe of the whole song.

With amazing soundscapes, stunning musicality, and great production, ‘Moonlight’ is a perfect example of well-executed soundtrack. 

Listen to this song right here:

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