Shaggy Palms – Revenge | Poignance

Shaggy Palms - Revenge | Poignance

Shaggy Palms is a band of two avid musicians who create music that has an element of thrill to it. With their latest track; Revenge, they are raising the bars for rock music a notch higher. Here’s why.

Revenge is a track that starts off interestingly. With fine beats, interesting vocals, and splendid rhythms, the song unfolds into an even more enchanting affair. Midway you realise, it is not your usual rock track. The background vocals that are exaggerated, give a faded effect to the song, making it a tad bit dreamy. The stunning production done on this track ensures that everything intertwines perfectly. One great thing about this track is, that it keeps you hooked throughout. It has some vividly attractive elements to it, that keep you focused.  

When it comes to vocals, they are nothing but amazing. You find yourself in awe with a lot of things but especially the vocals, because they have that thrill. The lyrics are sung beautifully, with some personalized additions, that make this track authentic. Moreover, the song becomes even more interesting towards the end. You will notice how the ending is far more enticing and creative than the starting. Perhaps it is the artists’ way of unfolding their magic, so that everything is perceived well. Whatever it is, it sounds great and perfectly compliments the track’s vibe.

You can listen to this track if you love to explore authentic rock bands and musicians. The song makes for a great complementary addition to your evening when you just want to chill and listen to something great!

Listen to this track by Shaggy Palms right here: 

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