East Point – Let Go | Terrific

East Point is a duo band that was earlier part of Rambutan Jam Band. This Australia-based band has come up with a new single ‘Let Go.’ They consist of  RJB singer/songwriter Ward Hancock and RJB drumming powerhouse Rowan Dally.

‘Let Go’ song, which was originally intended for personal healing, has since developed into a commentary on the devastating floods that struck Australia’s Northern Rivers and Brisbane districts in early 2022. Such a lovely thought. Ward’s voice is stunning and emotive throughout the song, and the lyrics are incredibly powerful. The song is really one of the most beautifully written and performed songs I have heard in recent times. You can clearly understand how proficient and skilled the artists are The pace of the song slowly builds up, with amazing musical arrangements that are extremely addictive.

I’d like to explicitly talk about the soundscape here. The guitar riffs synching seamlessly with the drums just steal the show. Especially the ending piece, which is filled with music and subtle chorus – you’re in for a treat. The song is overall really well produced and gives a lot of fun vibe. If you’re looking for the ultimate road trip song, look no further than ‘Let Go.’ This song has everything you need for a great sing-along – catchy lyrics, a great beat, and an empowering message. When you’re belting out this song at the top of your lungs, you’ll definitely feel like you can conquer the world. So crank up the volume and enjoy the ride! Also, It is a must-listen for anyone who loves great music and wants to be reminded of the hope that can be found in the darkest of times.

Enjoy listening to Let Go here.

Check out our playlists here!

Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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