Vargen recreates soulful jazz with his fresh and classy single, “Toxicon”



Vargen can give you an eclectic mix of genres with just his retro-styled composition skill. A master multi-instrumentalist, he brings a special tang to all the songs he composes, and they are always different. This is a Pantone shade of melodies, and he is giving us too many options at this point. His latest single is a classy affair of contemporary scatting and music. This is Toxicon

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Vargen changes the mood with his song

He can lay down the keys like Elton to Corey Henry. The kind of dance music that will seduce you to the dance floor. Vargen brings some gorgeous chord progressions with his own stylistic flourishes. If he is setting a scene in this song, he is doing it with great detail, on the ambience and characters. You seem to be drawn into the kind of club he is setting up, and it looks like a scene from a soulful jazz club in the late 80s. Vargen makes his lyrics the center of attention in this one, a lot of action words materializing to form a graphic comic for you to observe. Pair this with a melody, and you have the wine and cheese for the weekend. His performance is iconic among the other music he has released, and I am addicted to this Toxicon

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You might have heard his singles like The Bitch in Me and Mindy Morning among his others. This talented songwriter is capable of making jazz the most accessible element in your roster, unlike others who might make you feel aloof. Listen to his single here and watch the fun video as well!:

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