Kevin Atwater – retriever | Adoration

Kevin Atwater, a New York City-based singer/songwriter, has released his six-song EP called ‘retriever‘, which is full of lovely songs that go deeper into the various shades of relationships. The album sounds to be really pleasant, and the writing is likely to appeal to the majority of us. His works take the listener on a trip that is at times amusing, at times full of love, and at times heartbreaking. There is a great deal of clarity in the thoughts, which reflects the depth of the storyline. The phrases have an emotional impact on you. The arrangements are likewise kept basic and straightforward, which keeps us focused on the words.

The album’s first song, ‘dispose,’ begins with stunning choral harmonies that set the tone for the rest of the album. The section appears to be quite relaxing and serene. As we continue to keep a close eye on the songwriting, we become more aware of the complexities in his relationship. The equation is so beautifully presented with so few simple words that listening to it is a comfort. The strumming guitar keeps the pulse moving, and the vocal harmonies are delicious. ‘ashes‘ starts out with a vibrant country music guitar plucking melody that instantly lifts your spirits. The song is about his aspirations and attributes that he wants to instil in himself in order to become desirable in the sight of his partner. The phrases perfectly describe the conflicted emotions. Overall, the song’s tone is beautifully maintained throughout the composition, which is an incredible treat.

The next tune, ‘into the bed,’ will make you fall head over heels. The writing is loaded with so many lovingly weaved moments that you can instantly link to your own tangled equations. Strumming guitars and beautiful vocal harmonies are also prominent in the song. The world is so lovely, and we would appreciate hearing words that are so full of love. The song “too late now” is without a doubt the most catchy on the album. The chorus portion, which I adored, is also quite well crafted. Although it appears to be quite simple, it has a lot of depth to it. The writing was simply brimming with love and tenderness. The entire structure has such a wonderful journey that is really breathtaking. The guitar picking rhythm also blends in wonderfully with the overall atmosphere of the song.

The cheerful tune ‘money shot‘ has so many enjoyable moments in the composition that it truly lifts our spirits and we can’t stop swaying to it. The songwriting has such smooth transitions between portions. The vocal harmonies substantially enhance the ambiance. They keep us engaged to the music because they sound so fantastic throughout. Another part that truly captures us with its flow is the lyrics, and it feels truly incredible inside this sonic realm. 

The final song, “a song about murder“, is a passion-driven, dramatic, and poignant piece. The progression wonderfully establishes the tone for the song. We could not have wished for a better ending to the album, leaving us wanting more. The song has so many amazing writing passages that truly drive out the depth of the relationships and their consequences. The powerful piece is brought to a finish by these lovely luscious vocal harmonies, which are possibly the greatest part of the entire record. The new album as a whole is engrossing and would easily connect with everyone. The sentiments are universal, and they’re spoken with such sincerity. I’m confident that the tracks would fit into a variety of playlists across wide spectrum of listeners.

Enjoy Listening to “retriever” by Kevin Atwater on Spotify!

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