Velvet Starlings-Technicolour Shakedown | Crunch

Velvet Starlings-Technicolour Shakedown

Velvet Starlings-Technicolour Shakedown

There was a time, a simpler time when musicians just plugged-in instruments, got in a rhythmic state of mind and jammed for hours. This is what was considered old school music.

Name any famous live instrument band you know- The Beatles, The Monkees, The Hives,The Black Keys, The White Stripes. Basic mantra- if a band had prefixed “The”, they were probably garage rock.

Eventually, it evolved, and quite honestly dissolved due to technological circumstances. However, a young man swam against the current, plugged in his Explorer to a Big Muff distortion pedal and proceeded to rock your socks off. Stepping into the spotlight- welcome LA born band, Velvet Starlings.

Christian Gisborne cranks his amp into a Mudhoney level crunch and prepares to crush any inevitable doubt of how anyone could reach these levels of rocking out. Technicolour Shakedown combines good old classic rock riff-based tunes with garage band intensity to churn out woven gold.

The song also features Foster & Hudson Poling- who assist on drums and bass respectively- to remind you that no, rock isn’t dead. You were just looking the wrong direction.

So, I’ll put in simpler terms for non-rockers and rockers alike to understand. Catchy riff. Sticky chorus. Turn treble way up, discernable bass. Nail the roof to the rafters for it just may blow. Gisborne and his mates are picking it up for garage rock where Jack White left it at with Lazaretto.

Also, I highly recommend watching the music video for this because MTV beware, this might be a winner for most of the categories.

In case my review looked like it was a mess, its probably because I was drowning in the sludge of Gisborne’s guitar riff. Do check out other Velvet Starling tracks like Karmic Lemonade & If Life Ain’t Getting You High, because this kid is going places.

Now feel the crunch of gravel and a wicked riff here:

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