The Midnight Shower-Late Riser | A Snooze Ringer

The Midnight Shower-Late Riser

The Midnight Shower-Late Riser

Most of us are getting back to our workspaces & offices. That means no more getting up at 8:25 and starting work at 8:30. In case you’ve already had a problem with being punctual generally anywhere, you’re not alone. The Midnight Shower can’t help you, but they have an anthem you can hear anxiously while traveling. This is Late Riser.

Late Riser is a feel-good rock track. It is a riff based song, and the ascending riff is one that will be etched in your memory. The classic 4/4 beat allows you to swing through while singing the addictive chorus. The balance is divided very well between the instruments and vocals, they’ve used the stereo sound very well. Kudos to the production team.

So whoever the early birds are, this song isn’t for you. It is for those who have hit that snooze button too many times. For those who have gotten late and wondered why the snooze button even exists. Those who just can’t seem to be morning people. The Midnight Shower have you covered, and you get a catchy, fun song to make people listen to when they ask, “who are you?”. Without compunction, say you’re a late riser.

Listen to their catchy single here:

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