Kevin Rieth – Robert Dufresne | The inner child

Kevin Rieth - Robert Dufresne

Robert Dufresne is Kevin Rieth’s latest single from his upcoming album Up & Up. The song offers a contemporary take on power pop from the 60’s, and has that pre-rock-n-roll energy. Further, the baroque influence on the trumpets serves as a foil to the heavy electric guitar on the track. And to top it off, Kevin Rieth offers an uplifting vocal performance that accurately matches the song’s tone.

The musician Kevin Rieth is a multi-instrumentalist. To no one’s wonder, he is rightfully credited with the host of instruments that make up the sonic atmosphere of Robert Dufresne. However, for the drums he credits the amazing Aaron Russo. During the length of the song, it feels that the artist is simply introducing us to the quirky character of its namesake. This joyous man dances barefoot in the rain and makes the most of life. Clearly, he is just incredible enough to inspire a song after himself.

Kevin Rieth is a San Diego-based musician. He delves into the other side of Rock as we know it, and this has quickly garnered him a reputation. His childhood idols are The Beatles who inspire his love for Rock and music. That said, the artist also incorporates his own tastes and other influences in his songs. He is now setting up his solo brand after having dominated musician circles in San Diego for quite a while. 

Listen to Robert Dufresne by Kevin Rieth here:

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