Ben Konarov – Fucked Up World | Thought Provoking

Ben Konarov began penning lyrics in 2002, but it has only been recently that he has explored turning them into fully realized songs through collaborations. In April 2022, ‘If Only’ his first single saw its initial release. We can definitely anticipate hearing a lot more of his work. Several musicians who work in a range of musical genres, including folk, pop, rock, and blues, have influenced his songs.

The Australia-based artist has released a new song titled ‘Fucked Up World.’ Let me introduce you to the brains behind this beautiful song. The collaboration is as follows: Lyricist: (Ben Konarov) Composer: (Gary Cubberley) The band: (The Songbayteam) The vocalist: (‘Lukky’) The producer: (Gary Cubberley.) The music has some strong retro undertones. It immediately transports you back to the 1970s rock period. The song is absolutely worth listening to because of the powerful and energetic instrumentation and vocals. The drum beats and guitar playing complement each other so perfectly. You can’t get enough of the vocals by Lukky because they are constant and present the entire song. I loved the sonic transition at 1:36 when everything kicks into high gear. The song is a call to action. It’s a protest song.

The song talks about how people should have a say in what happens in the world, and that they need to change it. The singer says that we need to change our ways, because if we don’t, then we’re not really living up to ourselves. It’s an interesting song because it’s so different from most other songs you’ll hear on the radio or in clubs, it’s more like an activist than a club hit. But I love that it has such an important message behind it! If you’re looking for something new and exciting to listen to while lounging around at home on your couch with some friends or family members, then this is one of those gems that will make sure everyone gets into the groove without even trying.

Enjoy listening to Fucked Up World here.

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