Daniel Dirty Money-Dirty Money Records | Exhaustive Fiesta

Daniel Dirty Money-Dirty Money Records

Daniel Dirty Money-Dirty Money Records

Sometimes listening to a double album can change your worldview. My first was Pink Floyd’s album, The Wall. It was a pocket of time I hadn’t experienced, and I have enjoyed several double albums since. Daniel Dirty Money releases his album, Dirty Money Records. This is a triple album by the artist, and has songs enough for a triple album.

Being a talented freestyle rapper, singer and composer, Dirty Money Records seems to be a Pandora’s box into Daniel Dirty Money’s mind. The songs are sometimes experimental in nature, sometimes direct indentations in his mind. Flowing naturally around a beat is simple and clear to him. Sometimes, it seems like the only path. From quick Kendrick Lamar lyrical intensity in Alex Jones to the ice cold stops in Based Freestyle, we experience Daniel Dirty Money in this album like never before.

What is interesting to note are the compositions itself. Though it can be heard in any particular order, Daniel Dirty Money wants each to impact more than a ripple, less than a wave. His condensed lyrics are clear enough to understand from the title itself, and sometimes they are misleading. With instrumental based powerful tracks like Friday, Daniel knows what he is putting out is a fragment of himself. All the tracks have been curated as such, from the beat to the lyrics he so easily spits out.

Dynamism within the genre

The heavy bass of Aston rests long after it has finished. The clean strums of the guitar in Imagination are a hook you’ll remember all day. Each of Daniel’s songs have a fingerprint that makes it unique. The next time you want to bring one of the songs up, just mention that one standalone feature no other track would have, at that intensity.

The honesty and journalistic truth in songs like Suicidal Thots is what makes Daniel Dirty Money unique. The songs are unforgivingly explicit, and demand a mindscape that has to be attained before really delving into the songs. Songs like Broken Screens are just reflective satire on society, and he has got it down to a T in some moments. Daniel hasn’t messed about putting out his best work for this album. It is a leviathan effort, which all fans of hip-hop will enjoy.

Listen to Daniel Dirty Money here:

Check out our playlists here!

Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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