Brick Blair-Two Dollar Coat | Country chimes

Brick Blair-Two Dollar Coat

Brick Blair-Two Dollar Coat

Country songs have the delight of being the simple, joyous package of truth they are. Found rarely with frills, bells and whistles, they are mostly the stories of the simpleton. In love, pride, shame or awe-a country artist is a patriot of the heart and the land that birthed them. Brick Blair is no less, this is his single Two Dollar Coat.

Registering on our radar after his 2021 singles, On the Zooms & Your Device-he’s progressed to other topics to delve on. On the Zooms was a massive success, earning Brick more than 40k streams on Spotify. Two Dollar Coat is a simple, acoustic melody from Brick, after the quicker, catchy pace of his previous release. The first release this year, the polished vocals and natural string reverberations make for the highlights.

It is a chord progression we’re familiar with, however we underestimate its versatility. Brick chooses a tune that complements his baritone, with the natural warmth his voice gives. It is of honesty and reassurance, and the look of trust in your partners eyes. To know that somebody would always be there looking out for you. Like a wind instrument, Brick sustains a note to offset a rare level of energy during the track. It is not only well composed, but heartfelt and pure in what it means to say.

Brick Blair can make magic happen, whether it be a 100 dollar jacket or two dollar coat.

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