Blake Dagley-The Nashville Sessions | Poetry in place

Blake Dagley-The Nashville Sessions

Blake Dagley-The Nashville Sessions

Similar to Chicago’s popular album with the same name, Blake Dagley is here to rediscover his sound. The Nashville Sessions is Blake’s latest album release, a triple A side of energetic, whole soul music. With a bit of folk, Americana and blues whirlpool that he entertains, Blake wants to really earmark a signature sound. Though his voice is instantly recognizable, these are his best compositions yet. Let’s get into it.

It is important that you realize your strongest suit. Blake has a semi-husky warm voice that is inviting yet invigorating. Ain’t Going Down Like This uses this to his advantage, paired with simple instrumentals. His track entertains the possibility of really letting a progression marinate before exploding into something larger. As this paper plane unfolds, you start to put together Blake’s design, simple yet effective. The Nashville Sessions are underway with a great track.

With a much softer opening, Paradox uses the dreamy, floating tone of the electric. Blake proceeds with his pipes on display, touching lyrics that make you pause for a while. It is a bare to the bones approach to watch someone discover themselves through their art. Not only does it chart your progress, but takes a while for honesty to seep through. The instruments do a 50/50 with the vocals, each lifting the other to an elevated state of thought in performance. A tribute to oneself, executed with truth.

Songwriting and purpose

Milly has another great simple melody and clean progression. We all love hearing a silky, fingerpicking pattern that dictates lot of the song. Milly shows Blake’s passion for reason, and turning infatuation and affection to something bigger to the best that humans can do. Create. The Nashville Sessions see Blake take an acoustic, often skimmed over part as one loses themselves in crafting instrumentals. It is true songwriting skill here. From Melodies: Vol 1, this is a nice step into the wild.

It is something that teaches artists who chase complication or massive airtime the essence. Not only of music and songwriting, but drive. This is a three track Magna Carta from Blake Dagley, and he has foraged for his own sound.

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