Bethany Weimers- Circles | Through the ring of time

Bethany Weimers- Circles

Bethany Weimers- Circles

It is no shock to anyone reading this that the music industry is a convoluted monopoly. Artists who have the genuine sound of change don’t get recognized. Not to make it about myself, but that is why this job rocks. I get to hear artists like Bethany Weimers, who might be Alicia Keys without that irritating attitude. This Bethany with her latest single, Circles.

With arpeggiating notes that gently trod on the ivories, Bethany Weimers makes a graceful entrance. She drops all the other instruments building to their introduction, its her voice you hear layered next. Simple, yet heavy with an unlikely gravitas, she commands and guides the keys along. The harmonics make the hook a multi-dimensional facet that tends to inspire and help build. The momentum is set, and like a clock’s ticking- you expect it to end with you being used to the sound.

She commands the notes of the piano eloquently, never compromising the message. Her 2012 album Harpsichord Row is an overlooked rough diamond that is more relevant now than ever. Though her sound has evolved and gained significant maturity, Bethany Weimers is what could be a musician’s enchantress. The notes take flight, so do your emotions. Listen to her single and decide for yourself:

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