Kamera – Want You To Know | Infectious

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“Want you to know” , the debut single from the new cryptic and exciting electronic duo Kamera is an absolutely mesmerising aural experience .

Their brand of electronic music is carved together through an array of live instruments as well as a host of recorded samples to add a little extra touch to the work. Painting a rather morose and melancholic picture of human attraction, the debut release “Want You to Know” is a sound collage that is high, low, and everywhere in between. It’s an eccentric and experimental piece, but at no point does it feel too out there for a pleasurable listen.

The vocal performance is grim, almost like a narration to a horror scene. Alongside it, the beat builds gradually, drawing you in to the soundscape that Kamera is eerily building around you. ‘Want You To Know’ never feels aggressive or invasive. Hell, at times the song sounds almost ambient even. With what sounds like natures own voices infused with an eclectic instrumental apparatus, the duo has truly created a song that deserves to be experienced in a live setting.

For fans of electronic that veers closer to the Bonobo’s of the world, Kamera’s first single is a welcome experience. However, I can’t help but feel disappointed at the fact that we might have to resign to hear these tunes in the confines of our own homes. The best kind of electronic music, which very much includes a track like this, deserves to be experienced in a live environment, with people around, and with a night to revel in. So, in the absence of that, lay back with your antidote of choice and let the music take you where it may.

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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