Indigo Sky – Kristopher | Catharsis

With over a decade’s worth of experience in orchestral music and a degree in psychology, there are few questions that one with both can’t ask– and ask just right. What happens when you put the two together and write a song to wistfully celebrate? I think you get something that sounds like “Indigo Sky” by Kristopher. What are the kinds of questions he evokes within you? What is it about this song that sends you looking for answers? Keep reading to find out.

Over the course of my listens and repeats of this song when I was studying it to write this piece, I constantly had two things running in my mind– about how wistful it sounds, and about how introspective the sound of this entire track is. There is a certain mellow flair to the execution of this song that makes it sound just right, and helps it ring just about perfectly in your ears as you close your eyes, and listen to the songwriting. Couple that with a sober, downtempo guitar riff and you have a combination that just… hits differently.

To be able to articulate what this song is about in mere words is an uphill task, I will admit. There are so many emotions swirling around in this pot– so many thoughts that cross your mind when you go into the details and pick out every element. The production sounds masterful, even in its very minimalistic approach– and the decisions Kristopher has made when it comes to how this song feels, they are deliberate– and carefully executed.

The mix is spacious, yet tight where it needs to be. The chords and intervals compliment the vocal delivery perfectly, with Kristopher’s airy, soothing voice making for the icing on the cake, metaphorically speaking. The presentation here is a showcase of what it really is that a good songwriter with nothing but their voice to rely on and a guitar to play support can really do. I loved listening to it thoroughly!

“Indigo Sky” by Kristopher is a masterclass in soul music– and is replete with everything that makes a song sound good, in my opinion. There is flair, intricacy, and perfection in its execution. Indigo Sky gets a whole two thumbs up from me, and it deserves your attention. Check out the track here!

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