Into The Night – Jagara | Cyberpunk

Few tracks go as hard as “Into The Night” by Jagara when it comes to creating an atmosphere of retro-futuristic, positively creamy kind of music. This track is good enough for me to have the gall to compare it to the greats of Synthwave music artists and acts such as Petrurbator, widely considered the pioneer of music that creates dystopian worlds with two channels. Keep reading my review to find out why.

When it comes to the production value of this track, I have no complaints, even for a trained ear. The presentation is confident, with no less than electric energy flowing and coursing throughout the way and into your veins, as the bars go on and the powerful bassline takes over the stage. The melodically sung lines, with the instruments in the background, remind me of the kind of music that one would find on a London floor past midnight, the percussion that has a jive to it the moment you click play, is all tied in a neat bowtie by the mix.

The mix– is potent, to say the least about it; with instruments flowing in and out with dynamism and panache, with the stage, when one closes their eyes, looking like the whole of a nightclub is in front of you. The mix lives, and it breathes; and that is the best thing somebody can say about the way a song is produced, mixed and mastered.

With “Into The Night”, Jagara has a winner locked and loaded; and if you’re a fan of this style of music, it is more than worth a listen. Check out “Into The Night” by Jagara here!

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