Thehighwaystory-Caroline | Shakedown



Taking the best of the contemporary and the classic, Thehighwaystory makes his own special blend of a genre that can’t quite specifically fit in either category. A start from the drawing board and creativity as a canvas makes this song’s own palette.

Using the beats of lo-fi and chill hip-hop, Thehighwaystory introduces himself with a penchant for original introductions. As indie categories have gotten broader, the opening is more generic and straightforward whereas this can be seen as another route. Caroline starts with a hip-hop base but turns to the heaviness of alt-rock during the chorus. This gives the song an edge, with a mixture of genres that usually aren’t combined.

Though the initial part sounds like any other pop song, you need to see this one from a macro lens/perspective. It shows maturity and experimentation, sounds like a muted FEVER 333 and Breaking Benjamin in certain parts of the chorus. It is a fresh attempt and appreciated, the lyrics push through with the pained admissions of failure to love. The twist in it is the zing in the cocktail, for those looking to explore avant-garde genres that have the potential to explore and expand.

Meanwhile listen to Thehighwaystory in this new symphony, Caroline:

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