Michael Sanders – Miss Lady | Textural Journey

Michael Sanders of Austin has released a new song called ‘Miss Lady,’ which has outstanding writing and melodic tones and harkens back to the classics. The writing has a feeling of anticipation, as evidenced by his references to desires and montages in the relationship. The music has a delicate intensity to it that truly brings out the sentiment of the writing. The vocal performance has a lot of amazing subtleties, which truly enhances our listening experience. The delivery’s dynamics play a big role in really sparking the right mood for each phrase. The performance is loaded with a great deal of passion and commitment, which shows as we listen to the brilliant piece.

When it comes to creating the perfect place, the layout is key. The bass and drums are really crucial in tying the entire arrangement together. The track’s synthetic, ever-evolving textures provide a lot of excitement. The dreamy textures created by the pads and guitar patches in the effects are incredibly enticing and add a lot to the song. The guitar riffs truly bring forth the spirit of the music, completely immersing us in the atmosphere. There’s also enough space for each aspect of the music to flourish. The vocal production blends in nicely with the ambience as well. The arrangement genuinely highlights the colour of the songwriting, with a lot of dynamics in the structure, which is just phenomenal and thoughtful.

Enjoy Listening to “Miss Lady” by Michael Sanders on Spotify!

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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