Lewis Hensley – Cocaine Cowboys | Inspirational

Lewis Hensley - Cocaine Cowboys

Lewis Hensley (AKA Louie Lee) is one of the most inspirational artists you can find these days. While a lot of musicians probably had some musical heritage, Hensely grew up in a trailer in Wayne County. With a lot of hard work and pain, he managed to work through a lot to get to where he is right now. Moreover, after witnessing how much his mum worked for him and his family, he firmly believes that looking put together was half the battle. Always working tirelessly and with much effort, Lewis Hensley has so much to offer the world.

Cocaine Cowboys, his latest single is an absolutely playful and fun-filled track that recounts a lot of personal experiences. Hensley recollects these memories with a certain sense of fondness and gratitude for having overcome it. Additionally, it has an insane instrumental to go with it. Featuring Jay Vinchi on the track, the two have electric energy between the two of them. Cocaine Cowboys has a playful beat with the most amazing lyrics to accompany it. Both Lewis Hensley and Jay Vinchi sound absolutely phenomenal with their harmonies and individual verses. The little breakdown towards the end is the perfect little slowed section to break into the final climax.

Lewis Hensley has many more tracks to listen to on various streaming platforms. With such an inspirational story we also managed to score an interview with the lovely gentleman. Read on down below for more.

What goes into creating and crafting your personal sound?

I’ve learned when I go into the studio with no expectations or pressure on myself, I create the best music. With that being said I do listen to lots of music and keep voice notes of ideas on my phone to keep the inspiration flowing.

Have you ever hit writer’s block? If so, how did you get over it?

I have not and the reason for that is, and my clients will tell you when I’m in “Producer” mode, is I don’t overthink the feelings. I’m always trying to get out of my own way and just let ideas be what they are, ideas. By having this approach, I can come up with ideas endlessly and just run with something that sticks.

Hard work, setting and achieving goals has been how you’ve managed your career so far. Does it get any easier or is it still as difficult as when you first started?

Sadly, I don’t think it ever gets easier but you do grow more patient with yourself and the process of everything. You have to do the work to see the results.

Looking back on your journey so far, what has been the most pivotal part of your musical career?

When I created the alter ego “Louie Lee”, and telling myself, in spite of what anyone thinks, to stay true to myself. I knew it was going to be hard for some to understand but I was done worrying about what others think I should do and just make music that feels good to me.

With such an inspirational story, what advice would you have for any musicians who want to break into the scene?

My advice always is to stay grounded and driven. It’s ok to be proud of small victories but remember that it’s a long play and the game is constantly changing. If you want music to be your career and lifestyle, be prepared to work harder than you ever have and roll with the punches. Be prepared to be told “No” but don’t let it discourage you. It’s only one deal or relationship away for you and your dreams.

Cocaine Cowboys is a rather upbeat track despite talking about certain hardships in life, how do you emulate such sounds?

I find beauty in the contrast. Some of my favourite songs are ones where you get so lost in the sound and music you might forget that it’s the saddest lyric you’ve ever heard lol. I wanted CC to be an anthem for people that hustle and work hard. All of us are trying to make it, I wrote something that felt like we already have.

What is next for Lewis Hensley?
I just got back from performing some showcases at SXSW and I’m going over some of the performance footage from that and tightening up my live show. I currently have 5-6 songs ready to follow up “Cocaine Cowboys” so I plan on ramping this year up from this point. Louie Lee and Country Hop&Roll are here to stay. From a small town outside of Detroit to the world.

Be sure to stream and add Cocaine Cowboys to your playlists today!

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