“Left On Read”, by Love Ghost: Great storytelling, with a dash of punk rock to go

Love Ghost is a band based out of Seattle, Washington, with a heavy punk/pop rock sound that delivers themes of dealing with personal battles and struggles. Their latest single is “Left On Read”– keep reading for my thoughts!

The whole song immediately takes you back to the era of 00s post-punk and rock, with an almost Papa Roach-esque sound, but made heavier and more energetic in its sound. Think gritty basses, djented guitars, and long, anthemic choruses with ringing guitars– that is what I’m referring to. The song also has an unmistakable heavier side that somehow, rather elegantly, I will add, blends melodic, rapped verses in, which definitely piqued my interest in my time listening to this song.

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Love Ghost’s trademark sound shines through here rather well, delivering their themes with power and drive. The production remains a mainly alt rock affair with elements of grunge and garage rock, as well as some definitely experimental influences, from the piecewise nature of the heavier parts of the song tied together with clean guitar and bass fills, sometimes with dual guitar work generating even more interest. The vocals compliment the style quite well, too, with a definite element of angst and introspection filtering through the voices behind the instruments.

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The storytelling more than manages to sound deep and personal, while keeping the overall themes of the song relatable to audiences, and that, I think, is a great thing. As the song drew to a close, I was left wondering what the future for Love Ghost looked like– and I’m happy it’s optimistic, at least in my opinion. Check out “Left On Read” here:

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