Peter Whitehead plays from the heart with his latest album, “All The Notes There Is”

Peter Whitehead-All the Notes There Is

Peter Whitehead is a polymath who chose to record music as well. A journalist first, his passion was always shared with music as well. Through the journey of writing, he shifted some of his energy towards recording these stories beyond the ones he writes for a living. Some might say this is where his true pulse lies. This is his second full length album, All The Notes There Is.

A bluesy structure embellishes his songwriting. You might liken him to Petty, Neil Diamond or even Young-and there’s a bit of that writing felt in the melodies as well. Holiday rings that natural tone for us to really feel. As an artist, he chooses to simplify his tales, with complexities woven in the messages. His lyricism is reminiscent of a Roger Waters type, and you can feel that duality coming in with Lake Tahoe Wedding. 

Almost designed like a ballad, the piano is the paint for this canvas. Vocals haunt you like the memory and the image. He continues this energy spent on love in A Wonderful Life. The piano echoes the contrasts that we experience, through notes and stories. His choice of chord progressions incite a lot of feelings, resonating in the lyrics as well. He shifts into a rock n roll swing with Wall Street. It’s all about the moolah, with something that could bring you to the dance floor. It is almost like watching the movie scene by scene. The dynamics between the lyrics and instrumentals makes it a joyful experience, an unwritten discomfort felt in the hard truth of the lyrics. 

Ely and Pretty White War take the acoustic direction. Ely sounds like Angie or Allison, the name ballad that personifies a person you will never meet. The haunting direction of his melodies and gravity of his lyrics is immense to feel. By the time you get to the epic that is the closing track, you feel like you dipped into The Beatles and came out from a Stones catalogue. Within the same span, Peter Whitehead has created quite the musical happening for you to cherish. Make sure you follow him for more sharply written, evocative music:

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