Mike Robert – Cheap

mike robert - cheap

A song that incorporates many emotions and bundles them into a short, sweet package, you think of “Cheap” by Mike Robert. An accomplished singer-songwriter, Mike Robert has a fresh, crowd-friendly sound with his single, “Cheap”.

The song starts off with a crowd singing after Mike as he urges the crowd on to sing, almost as to warm them up to his voice. When his vocals do take over, he presents his lyricism succinctly, with style and panache. His accent shines through with his wording making the songs he sings immediate earworms.

The song could be divided into three distinct parts, all within its short one-minute-twenty-second-something run time. Each style has an appeal of its own; from the crowd, singing enthused, to the next section that is minimally accompanied by just a guitar as he lets the vocals take centre stage.

The third section is where the whole song opens up into a radio pop, Wednesday night club number with its peppy energy, singable melody, racy accompaniments by way of guitars, and the tight and precise drumming. The mix is clean and well presented, with all the instruments sounding in balance, with no element overpowering the other. The instrumentation is part; judicious, yet apt– and Mike spares no effort to make the best of what he wished to use.

Overall, “Cheap” by Mike Robert is a peppy, energetic listen that could go on for many times without sounding mundane; I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. Check it out here!

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