Elkvilla-Just Kids | Echo

Elkvilla-Just Kids

Elkvilla-Just Kids

Folk acoustic dominated the post war atmosphere of the globe, pained melodies touching everyone’s heart in an attempt to heal. It was also a duration where people appreciated their roots- found art in where they came from. Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel are examples of pioneers of this movement. Every poignant art form has had its renaissance. Elkvilla is on the course to lead folk acoustic, once again to heal.

Their latest single Just Kids follows a symphonic tailored like the great acoustic progressions by Simon & Garfunkel in their 1970 tectonic album Bridge Over Troubled Water. Sourcing the energy currents of The Boxer, Australian singer-producer Adam Dudek prepares a luscious chord progression to sing softly over. In a near-perfect rendition of two complementing vocals, Elkvilla sing about the simple things.

Stripping music down to bare minimal skeletal cage, Elkvilla craft poetry while whisking in expansive chords that resonate with generations of listeners. Just Kids reminds you that your worries transcend what is necessity, while you relying on your heart is what it was designed for.

The scarcity of just the vocals & the one guitar isolates the requisite, instead of drowning out the melody with echoing reverbs. An indie artist worth looking out for, worth following & truly listening to because it attempts to search for a deeper you.

Their tracks Sink & The Cold Will Keep You Here are also definite magnets to your playlist. Check out their freshest frill here:

Check out our playlists here!

Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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