Billon Dailey-Punch Me in The Face | Retribution

Billon Dailey-Punch Me in The Face

Billon Dailey-Punch Me in The Face

Billon Dailey wants an awakening. Is it this crass visual sphere we call reality? Is it the endless hours of unrewarding work? All of it? Probably. A punch in the face will give you a sharp line back to the present, for sure. This is Billon Dailey’s debut endeavor. Punch Me in the Face is the name of his album.

With the title track kicking opening the doors of this album, there is a lot that Billon has worked on. His pop-rock vibe is synonymous with many bands from today, Panic! to Weezer & Jonas Brothers. The lyrics are a spiritual electric chair to him, and he wants you to join this journey. The chord progression is a fun one, and we can’t wait to hear more from him.

A change in pace

A pleasant switch in tone greets us with Ghosts at my Door. With more of a Bon Iver and Mayer mid point cruise speed, Billon sings in his well balanced voice. Using the acoustic guitar and piano, the first one and a half minutes use just the magic of these. The electric guitar and drums enter only after, sustaining the song well.

Shifting down once more to a Band of Horses style sound, the talented musician continues to guide us down this path. Puzzle Piece is another semi acoustic number with some great synth aiding the other live instruments. This album is turning out to be really well composed, with the natural pace of things being considered for listening in a sitting. Billon’s lyrics are poetic and profound as well, always a great mixture between progressions and verses.

Don’t Forget Me is Billon’s own in memoriam song. It has perfect proportions of guitar and synths, especially the play between them mid verses. His mellow voice subdues itself further for this vocal delivery, creating a temporal yet compassionate love song. A very boy band feel I must add, but with more musicality and effort. The ambient sounds in the opening were a welcome addition as well.

Getting back to a quicker pace with Clip My Wings, Billon expands his genre styles. The blues/country feel is inherent, with the guitar flourishes making the song really stand out. Acoustics are fantastic on the chorus section, especially for the vocals and drums, complementing each other much better.

The purity in songwriting

Using a Beatles kind of sound with lyrics of longing, Billon Dailey continues his quest with Chasing Shadows. The relatively simple track uses just guitar and drums with the strings of the heart. Composed with a simple chord structure, this is a great sing along track.

Yes, I foreshadowed this track in the previous paragraph. Probably because it is an addictive and superbly interesting track. The chords might be the usual, but the vocal pattern offsets to a whole new direction. Pull on My Heartstrings is my favorite track in the album, and resonate with the song as well. The bassline sticks out with its simple playful bounces, along with the chorus which is memorable.

Get ready for ballad fever with Crooked Teeth (Do You Believe). It is an elegant Mayer’s Sob Rock album style track. Very country feel but has Billon’s signature flourishes around the core chords. The beautiful harmonies are highlighted by pure character, also why the synth sticks out. The orchestrated track sounds like a mélange of several rock and pop songs, which Billon conducts with great confidence.

As within, so without

Fragile as Glass is an emotional reckoning for Billon Dailey. With an album that self-reflects as much as self adores, he creates wonderful songs for the ready. The simple hooks in this song just make sure the gorgeous lyrics shine with the luster of polished wood. The warmth is evident, and pushes through with relative ease of his songwriting.

Closing out the album with Minutes We Don’t See, Dailey proves the kind of songwriter he is. His songs percolate a vulnerability we all strive for, and add harmony to it. You hear it, and feel it. It becomes very specifically you after a while, and you’ve been staring into someone’s soul. It is a masterpiece in composing a debut album and showing what makes you tick and what can.

Listen to Billon’s album here:

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