aliensdontringdoorbells – Hello 2 You | Richness of Summer

aliensdontringdoorbells - Hello 2 You

ADRD is a pop-rock band based in Spain and UK. Hello 2 You by aliensdontringdoorbells is the band’s brand new single sporting a popping rhythm infused with rock melodies and great vocals.

The song carries the optimism of a bright new morning, full of promises and goodness. The playful and catchy guitar rhythm, lining the beautifully textured vocals, is reminiscent of simple yet profound happiness. With energetic beats, cymbal licks and a strong bass, the chorus carries soft, impassioned vocal harmonies.

The artists employ a wonderfully blended pop-rock technique speaks to the skill of the artist to creatively manipulate genres to suit their style. A perfect montage song for a summer beach vacation, you can almost taste the salt in the air and feel the swirling heat of the sun against your back. The beats dipped in molten melodies compel a skip in your step and a sway on your hips. An instant upper, your mood will soar and glide like an eagle across the clear blue sky.

We also see soulful vocal arcs in the chorus and in the bridge adds a solemnity to the song’s message. The twinkling synthetic keyboard melody in the outro makes for a rich and rewarding end to the song. With Dorian Foyil and Adam King as the lead vocalists, and Christian Pearl on the keyboard, the song contains rich melody weaves and vocal harmonies. Dorian Foyil also plays the guitarist and the saxophone. The band’s songs form beautiful landscapes of instrumental melodies and experimental blends which can be seen in their discography.

Available on Spotify, Gaana & YouTube Music.

Listen to aliensdontringdoorbells – Hello 2 You Here-

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