Ali Pips-Yours Truly, Ms. Darkside | Halloween Chills

Ali Pips-Yours Truly, Ms. Darkside

Ali Pips-Yours Truly, Ms. Darkside

Ali Pips features once again as the anonymously elected queen of the scares. After her previous single Mad Queen, she has resurfaced after her nap in the grave for Yours Truly, Ms. Darkside. It is a jazz-fusion number based on rock-and has plenty to unpack. So let’s get 6 feet under for the song.

Yours Truly, Ms. Darkside is showing Ali Pips sitting on her own throne of this genre, and this scale. Her melodies incite a certain helplessness, and ignite something you might dread. If this is a ramp walk with Mike Myers, Freddy & the other greats of scare, Ali Pips will walk as the headliner. You better bet this song will be playing, because it defines her signature piano playing and jazz alternative approach clearer than your demise at the climax of a horror film.

Her style is assuredly leaning towards a darker sound, so the Halloween release makes a lot of sense. As she explores the theme she has chosen, or has chosen her, we see some interesting flourishes. The breakdown at the two minute mark is a melodic monologue of sorts, with the marching style beat dropping a dark shroud over the songs overall feel. The piano work sells the depth of the song, and shows how masterfully Ali can navigate her primary instrument.

Listen to her single here:

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