PTSD – Dax | Emo Rap

Dax is no stranger to hits– and is an artist I, personally, have listened to a lot of; and it is quite the moment for me when “PTSD” rolled into my list of tracks to look at this week. It is a song that I loved even on release, I must say I was rather chuffed when I finally got to put out my take on this track from the album, “Pain Paints Paintings”.

Dax takes on an elegant melodically heavy style of rapping on this track, with the rhymes flowing in and out the lines naturally, to the point where I at some point just started singing and rapping along, before I had to draw myself back to reality to critically listen. The melodically heavy style is an interesting take on rapping, with the triplets in the hi-hats of the instrumental acting as the perfect transition between the different rhyme styles that Dax employs throughout the song.

The instrumental screams power with chopping, swingy triplets that sound downright dirty with the layers in production creating a whole dimension. The 808 bellows bold and proud, with the whole sound coming together, laying down the perfect stage for Dax to deliver his trademark power-filled vocals.

The rhymes are intricate, but what I think really elevates this song past the 10/10 it already is, is the power dynamics Dax employs in his voice– moving from soft, storytelling tones to gritty, aggressive style deftly, all while not missing a single beat.

With “PTSD”, Dax landed a permanent stan in me– and when I say this song is a good listen, I mean that I ended up looping this song who knows how many times before I could work out this review. It’s that good. Check out “PTSD” by Dax here!

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